
2006 September

10 Sep '06

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Beer and Warhol

So, umm apparently Aaron is arriving today (Sunday). There was some miscommunication, which I found out about after I waited at the bus stop for 2.5 hours. Haha. It was okay, I was up early, had coffee and was ready … Read More

07 Sep '06

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Ding Dong…

A Visitor! Aaron’s coming to visit. I’m not sure how long he’ll be here, but he gets here on Saturday. Finally someone to go to the pub with, I was getting bored going by myself. Now I have to make … Read More

05 Sep '06

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In hope

All of my love and good wishes go out to Claude right now. You’re in my thoughts.

Hang in there Kath and Bruce.

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03 Sep '06


Glasnevin Cemetery

I spent most of today in the Glasnevin Cemetery. It was far from gloomy. The cemetery lies north of where I live in the Phibsboro district, only about a 15 min bike ride. The cemetery is located in next to … Read More

02 Sep '06


Mission possible

Mission 1: find hatI’ve decided a hat is a must have because it is sooooo windy on the Quays. Around 2pm i hopped on my bike and headed down to the Market Arcade. I we expecting an all day battle … Read More

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